Our News

St Nicholas Day

St Nicholas Day

The 6th December is St Nicholas Day, and traditionally around the world Christmas gifts are given today. But who was St Nicholas and what relation does he have to Christmas? Well, quite a bit as it turns out! The legend has it that a kindly Greek Bishop named Nicholas...

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Autumn Arrives

Autumn Arrives

Today is the Autumn Equinox - the time of year where the day is as long as the night, and the nights start to draw in that little bit quicker. Autumn is well and truly on its way with so many beautiful colours appearing in the trees, which means woolly jumpers, hot...

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GlobeUs Goes Ape!

We were lucky enough to have a team day out in August to Moors Valley Country Park, to try our hands at Go Ape! It was terrifying and exciting in equal measures, and was a fantastic experience all round. Thank you to the team at Go Ape for looking after us so well!

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