Equality and diversity is so much more than just “treating everyone the same” … Equality and diversity enhances everyday life and simple changes to normal activities can ensure all individuals are included and given equal opportunities to achieve. Our newsletter...
We are celebrating GlobeUs’ 2nd birthday today! These past 2 years have gone incredibly quickly but we have enjoyed every minute. Our growth has been phenomenal and so much more than we ever anticipated – we owe a lot of “thank you”s to so many...
Another month has rolled on by, and June saw the best summer weather I think we’ve had in a long time! A tad rainy towards the end, but at least July has brought the sunshine and warmth back. These lazy summer days are wonderful, aren’t they? Sun-lounging...
Another month, another blog… and here we find ourselves in May! The beginning of summer I like to think, though perhaps that is wishful thinking – hoping for some warmer weather! The month starts and ends with a bank holiday which is lovely, so I hope you...
Winter is now far behind us and we have already experienced a little taste of summer with some warm and sunny days in March. The clocks went forward just over a week ago, meaning longer days, lighter evenings, and the faint smell of barbecues in the air! Easter is...
Moving into March, we are already seeing sunnier days, warmer weather, and lighter evenings, a welcome relief from the long, cold winter! Daffodils, tulips, snowdrops and crocuses are all coming out and the first signs of blossom can be seen. How exciting! Spring to...
Really good courseReally good course, excellent presentation, concise and very informative. Thank you for a really enjoyable day (which I wasn't excepting) once again thank you.
PerfectI had excellent training about alcohol course , we were just in five people so all perfect.
Amazing I passedAmazing I passed and I'm dyslexic and I struggle that the lady who was teaching on a day was very patient and helped a lot I'll be using your services again soon thank you.